About luck
A friend asked me about my take for this: "I've found that luck is quite predictable. If you want more luck, take more chances. Be more active. Show up more often".
I didn't have any take for it at all at the beginning. I had to think what luck is in this case. If luck is predictable, do we still call it "luck"? May be not. So, I pondered in a different way and I asked myself, when do I feel lucky and when not, how do I feel when I feel luck is with me and when it's far from me..
When do I feel lucky? It's when good things happen to me, when things or situations happen as I wish, and when things happen unexpectedly well and it's better than what I hope for. Sometimes it could be a bad situation, but nothing worse happens, and I feel lucky too. In these situations, I feel happy, blessed, and I am grateful for things turning out well.
When bad things happen, I feel unlucky, more so if it is one after another. Sometimes I feel unlucky when it's a near miss to good thing that can happen. I often feel disappointed, and sometimes sad. Sometimes anger may take over, or sometimes I may even feel sour.
More often than so, it is easier for one to feel unlucky, and it is convenient for one to blame the situations or people whom one perceives to have caused one to land in an unlucky state. It is also often unknowingly that the bad feelings will help themselves to ripple the effect of being unlucky. When one feels bad, often more bad things will happen, as he is most likely unable to view the situations objectively and act with a calm mind.
Whatever happens to us, it happens for a reason, whether it lands us in a lucky or an unlucky state. It is fine for us to feel unlucky, but we should not prolong the bad feelings. Take a rest and be passive for a while, then adjust the feelings and the outlook of the perspective, to regain the healthy state of mind. Life is about putting in continuous efforts to be positive. When we have positive views of life, naturally we will keep trying and striving, and taking more chances. The more chance we take, the more good things will happen in time.
Luck is predictable, when we believe in the good.
Labels: muse