Thursday, January 24, 2008


Finally took time to pen this down..

Sis-in-law asked me if there is a reason to change my blog URL from waterlsl to waterlotuspeace. Yes indeed. In fact, I was just trying to align the URL to my profile name, waterlily.

Lotus, or waterlily, is 莲 (Lian) in Chinese. There is a famous saying in Chinese that goes, "莲,出之淤泥而不染". Literally it means lotus flower growing from the mud, yet it's not tainted with dirt. Lotus has the significance of a noble character, and nobility. Buddha and bodhisattvas are commonly seen sitting on lotus flowers in most of the statues or drawings today.

How is it related to me? Since young, my grannies, some of my uncles and my dad would call me "zet lian". I was quite used to it when I was young, but later I questioned where and how this name came from. Mom told me that I got it from a small praying place which we used to frequent to pray the Avalokiteshvara (Guan Yin), the Bodhisattva of Compassion.

Could still remember clearly the 1st lantern I got was from my maternal granny. It was a lotus flower lantern, made of cloth in pink. I think we kept it for quite a long time.

That's why I feel close to this flower and it helps me find peace in myself, as it relates me to the bodhisattva.

Just as lotus needs water and sunlight to grow, I need the water element in my life. Someone told me before, that I lack it. So, more water for me (i.e. more richness for me hehe..)

Here are some lotus flower pictures I took at Waterloo Street.

What do you see? I see a demure lady, with slightly open lips ;)

No mud!!

It has a beautiful heart, just like me! :)


Wednesday, January 23, 2008

Mom's Birthday

Rarely did I go home to celebrate Mom's birthday with her, as her birthday is usually near CNY. This year is an arranged exception, since our family is growing bigger :)

We all had dinner at Fu Tian vegetarian restaurant, with darling nephew being the main character more than Mom at her birthday celebration ;)


My Darling Nephew

Yong Shuan, that's his name.


Saturday, January 05, 2008

2007 achievements in sports

Did a lot in sports last year, and had wanted to summarize it before the year ended. Finally found time to do so :)

Here are my records.. wanted to do as much as I can before I get old :) Am definitely proud of myself for the humble achievements but more importantly I'm thankful for friends who were doing together with me and those who encouraged me.

Round island cycling trips (Sundays in Mar / Apr)
Joined T3 in Sunday round island rides. Now I miss those days, have not done that for a loooooong time

Oakley City Duathlon 2007 (20-May)
Race: Relay Mixed
Rank: 32 of 45
Bib: XR226
Team Name: Serious Abt Fun
Team Members: Ian, my run partner and I
Timing: 01:07:37 (Run1), 01:38:51 (Bike), 00:37:58 (Run2), 03:24:25 (Total)

Osim Singapore International Triathlon 2007 (28-Jul)
Race: Mini Triathlon
Rank: 42 of 121
Bib: 1095
Timing: 00:10:05 (Swim), 00:28:19 (Bike), 00:14:52 (Run), 00:53:14 (Total)

Me in action during OSIM triathlon.. I will look more cheerful in next race ;) Photos from sportsphotox

Singapore Bay Run - SAFRA Sheares Bridge Run & Army Half Marathon (26-Aug)
Race: 6km Non-competitive Run
Timing: About 47 mins

Great Eastern Women 10km Race 2007 (21-Oct)
Race: 5km Non-competitive Run
Timing: About 35 mins

Standard Chartered Singapore Marathon 2007 (2-Dec)
Race: 10km Run
Rank: 2542 of 6000
Bib: 51368
Timing: 1:24:36

Will aim to do better by shortening the timings!
