Coffee a beverage that I can take, but seldom drink. While having no addiction to it is the main reason, drinking it may occasionally cause palpitation or insomnia, especially during conscious or subconscious stressful times.
Read some interesting facts about coffee in a small booklet from TCC:
You can even read your fortune by drinking coffee! ;) Try out "Coffee grounds reading" - also referred to as Tasseography or Tasseomancy (kafemandeia in Greek):
1. Enjoy a cup of coffee to the fullest, leaving behind only a small amount not consumed.
2. Think intently about a question you have.
3. Pur the remaining coffee onto the saucer, turning your cup clockwise three times as you do so.
4. Now look into your cup and examine the coffee grounds that remain.
5. Read with an open mind. What do you see?
(I think the above can only be done with hot coffee served in cup and saucer)
Some symbols are listed here for your cuppa of fortune, while the rest is up to your imagination.
~ content extracted from tcc booklet